
1.  About the Botany Department

The subject of Botany deals with the study of plants from many points of view. This science investigates the external and internal structures of plants, their functions in regard to nutrition, growth, movements and reproduction, their adaptation in space and time, their life history, relationship and classification, the laws involved in their evolution from lower and simpler forms to higher and more complex ones, the laws of heredity, the uses that plants may be put to and, lastly, the different methods that can be adapted to improve plants for better uses by mankind. Botany is one of the important departments in Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University. Since the inception of the University the science programmes are offered through Open and Distance Learning (ODL). The department of Botany offers variety of programmes as Core courses and specialized courses at Undergraduate and Post graduate programmes. To meet the true spirit of the Vision and Mission of the University, the department has drafted the syllabus along with the academic expert group to meet the demand of the diverse section of the society

2.  Under Graduate level

The University offered Botany subject as one of the main subjects at Undergraduate level since 1983. The subject Botany is one of the subjects in B.SC programme. Initially the programme was offered as annual programme. But since 2017, the B.Sc programme is offered in CBCS pattern in Telugu, English and Urdu media.

3.  Post Graduation level

The University has introduced Post graduation programmes from 2006. The department of Botany introduced M.Sc Botany programme from the academic year 2007-2008. Initially the programme was started in 5 study centres where the Conventional University are offering the same programme. This is because laboratory training at higher level is required for offering this programme. The programme started initially with 50 students in each study center. Now the strength has been increased to 500.

M.Sc is a 2year duration programme which consists of 8 theory courses and 8 practical courses. The programme was structured in such a way that it makes the students understand the relationship between science and society by recognizing and discussing logical, scientific and ethical issues in Botany subject. Students who study Botany get the ability to apply the process of science by formulating hypotheses and designing experiments based on the scientific method. This course facilitates the learners to carry forward their career in to several ways i.e., establishing themselves either in Government or private sector.

4.  Profile of the Faculty members

The methodology of instruction in Open University is different from conventional university. The teacher plays an important role. They always engage in different academic activities like planning and designing the programme, developing the self learning material, prepare the students for attending the laboratory training, making the students to perform the experiment by their own. Apart from this teachers in the Open University are engaged with Audio, video development programmes. Also engage in evaluation process.

1. Prof. M. Ramachandraiah (Rtd) served the department during 1982-2010

2. Prof. Saraswathi rao(Rtd) Served the department during 1994-2012.

3. Dr.R. Ramachandrareddy,- Senior Academic Consultant, Served the department during 2017-2020.

At present, two contract assistant  professors are working in the department.

4. Dr.N. Ramakrishna, Assistant Professor(Contract), in 8 workshops/seminar serving the department since February-2022 to till date, with an experience of 20years . He has participated He has Published 15 Journal article, 3 Book Chapter. He has worked as a peer review committee member.

5. Mr.Y. Kumar,Assistant Professor (Contract), serving the department since January-2017 to till date, with an experience of 13 years. He has developed 21 lessons/units and has produced 14 audio/video lessons, participated in 4 teleconferencing lessons. He has participated in 06 workshops/ seminars. He has Published 03 Journal article,01 Book and 01 book chapter.

5.  Academicians associated with the Department

Several eminent academicians of the sister conventional universities are associated with this department in the processes of curriculum development, course content development and evaluation. The faculty working in the respective colleges where study centres are located are serving as Counsellors to conduct the face to face  interactive sessions.

6.  Number of Courses

      UG – B.Sc Botany is one of the three optional subjects in the undergraduate programme

      6 Semesters-6 core subjects+  4 Elective courses, 2 Skill development courses

      PG – M.Sc Botany has 8 theory and 8 practical courses.

7.  Student Support Arrangement:

The student is provided with the Self-Learning Material supplemented by the Audio, Video Lessons and Tele-Conference on specified Sundays. The face to face counseling sessions are conducted on Sundays at the study centers. All the science students, (B.Sc & M.Sc progamme,) have to attend the study centers for their laboratory training which is mandatory.

8. Infrastructure facilities

    Department of Botany is established in the First floor (right wing) of STML Building having the following:

  • Three Laboratories with water sinks, good ventilation, electrification, working platforms and required furniture.
  • Botany lab is well equipped with  compound microscopes,dissecting microscopesenough for each students to individually use it in class.In addition 1 research microscope and 5 binocular microscopes,1 laminar air flow,autoclave, centrifuge also present
  • Two staff rooms with attached bath rooms and one counsellor’s room for the use of counsellors during classes.
  • A common toilet for students.
  • RO system drinking water is available for students and staff.
  • Essential Plantl specimens, Models ,charts and slides are available in the Botany lab
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