
1.  About the Department of Chemistry

The faculty of Science has eight departments namely Botany, Chemistry, Computer science, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Zoology. The department of Chemistry offers Chemistry at undergraduate level and Chemistry at postgraduate level. The department is also offers Ph.D and M.Phil. The department has laboratories in place suiting the needs of the students and curriculum. The Chemistry department was established in 1982 to prepare a highly competent creative workforce in the field Chemical Science. The Chemistry program satisfies the U.G.C recommendations for curriculum and takes into account the learning outcomes and community needs. The faculty members are continuously working on updating the curriculum of the programs to meet the latest technologies and the fastly changing society needs.

2.  Courses-Under Graduate level

The University offers Chemistry subject as one of the main subjects at Undergraduate level since 1983. Initially the programme was offered as annual programme. But since 2017, the B.Sc programme is offering in CBCS pattern in both Telugu and English mediums. In the States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh this course is offered at All Regional coordination Centres.

3.  Courses-Post Graduation leve

The University has launched Post graduation Science programmes in 2008. The department of Chemistry introduced M.Sc Chemistry programme from the academic year 2008-2009. Initially the programme was started in 5 study centres namely Hyderabad, Warangal, Visakhapatnam, Tirupati and Guntur centres where the Conventional University are located. This is because laboratory training at higher level is required for offering this programme. The programme started initially with 50 students in each study centre. Later due to lack of students in Guntur centre the seats are transferred to Hyderabad centre. The M.Sc programme is of 2 year duration consists of 8 theory courses and 8 practical courses. The curriculum so designed based on the requirement of industries. More thrust is laid on greener technologies for the control of pollution.

4.  Courses-Research Programmes

Research programmes leading to M.Phil and Ph.D were introduced from 2018 onwards. The topics selected for research is “Innovation, Development and up gradation in the chemical and allied sciences to improve the quality of life on earth” .

5.  Profile of the Faculty Members

The pedagogy in Open University is different from conventional university. The central core faculty working in the university has to perform multitasks. They are involved in the planning and designing the programme, developing the self learning course materials, preparation of audio and video lectures, coordinating with internal assessment of students, counselling to students in both theory and practical sessions and in evaluation process.

At present, three Faculty members are working in the department.

 1. Dr. K. Prameela, Head (I/C) Assistant Professor of chemistry has been serving the department since 2004 to till date, with an experience of 15 years. She has coordinated 56 courses and edited 7 courses; developed 34 lessons/units. She has produced 30 audio/video lessons, participated in 10 teleconferencing lessons. She has published 10 papers in several books/journals and participated in 15 workshops/ seminars. She has guided 3 M.Phil/PhD students.

2. Dr. P. Rajini, Associate Professor (Adjunct), She Joined in Department of Chemistry, Dr B R Ambedkar Open University in Feb – 2022. She has retired as a Principal, Government Degree College for Women (Autonomous) – Begumpet, Hyderabad. She   has more than 35 years of Degree level teaching experience in various Degree colleges in and around Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. She has published 9 research articles in national and international prior reviewed Journals, Authored 4 chemistry Telugu   academic books, conducted 40 webinar programmes for degree students, conducted 5 national and international seminars and symposiums, and conducted two, one week induction program for newly joined DL’s.  She has successfully completed her tenure    in various administrative positions such as TSWREIS – TSWRDC Zonal Coordinator (South), Principal in Various Degree and PG colleges, Head – Department of Chemistry and Home Science. Three Government Degree Colleges Accredited NAAC. (Please   Open below link to get detail Profile).

3. Sri. D. Koteswara Rao, Assistant professor (contract) of chemistry serving the department since 2012 to till date, with an experience of 10 years. He has coordinated 3 courses; developed 34 lessons/ units. He has produced 20 audio/video lessons,   participated in 11 teleconferencing lessons. He has published 2 papers in reputed and prior reviewed journals, Presented research work in two national seminars sponsored by UGC and participated in 25 workshops/ seminars.

6.  Academicians Associated with the Department

Several eminent academicians of the sister conventional universities are associated with this department in the processes of curriculum development, course content development and evaluation. The faculty working in the respective colleges where study centres are located are serving as Counsellors to conduct the face to face  interactive sessions.

7.  Number of Courses

UG – B.Sc Chemistry is one of the three optional subjects in the undergraduate programme

6 Semesters-6 core subjects+ 2 Elective out of the 4 courses, 4 Skill development courses

PG – M.Sc Chemistry has 8 theory and 8 practical course in two years of durations.       

8.  Student Support Arrangement:

UG and PG: The student is provided with the Self-Learning Material supplemented by the Audio, Video Lessons and Tele-Conference on specified Sundays. The face to face counseling sessions are conducted on Sundays at the study centers. All the science students, (B.Sc & M.Sc progamme,) have to attend the study centers for their laboratory training which is mandatory.

M.Phil/PhD: one semester classes will be conducted in the university for the research students along with a project thesis.

9.  Infrastructure facilities

               Department of Chemistry is established in the second floor (right wing) of STML Building having the following:

  • Three Laboratories with good ventilation, electrification, working platforms and required furniture.
  • Two staff rooms with attached bath rooms and one counsellor’s room for the use of counsellors during classes.
  • A common toilet for students.
  • RO system drinking water is available for students and staff.
  • Every Lab is provided with glass boards.
  • Essential Charts and Models are available in the Chemistry Laboratories..
  • Depending on the need of practicals conducted, LCD projection is also available.
  • One computer lab with Wi-Fi facility (collaboration with Geology) is available.
  • The required glassware, equipment, chemicals, for conducting practical training for both UG and PG are available.
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